He was educated by the foremost bronzier in Paris during the time of Ludwig XIV, Pierre Gouthière. Thomire established his own workshop in 1776 and gradually took over as the leading Bronzier in Paris. The workshop produced lighting objects, various handicrafts and furniture fittings. Pierre-Philippe Thomire was trained as a sculptor but decided to join his father in the more lucrative business as a bronze caster. He worked for the Sévres poreclain Manufactory suppling them with verious mounts for there objects. He was made ”ciseleur de lémperuer” ( Engraver to the Emperor) by Emperor Napolen in 1809 because of the large number of items he supplied for the palaces. Later his firm became ”fournisseur de leurs majestés” (Furniture supplier to the Emperor). His factory was the largest in Paris and employed around 800 people.